


English speakers

Teaching in Japan A lot of resources to help you teaching english and getting used to Japan lifestyle!

All languages

If you want to find lessons for basically any language, you should check this excellent resource: Teach all languages which is a compilation of lessons for more than 100 languages! It is definitely a great teaching resource.
www.internetpolyglot.com/ You can consult their available lessons. If you don't know how to start, or what theme to teach for next lesson, this may be useful!

Links :

プライベート英会話講師紹介サイト情報館: 英会話プライベートレッスンンの料金やサービス内容を比較紹介

japan-eikaiwa.com : 英会話、英語に関する情報発信、「ジャパン英会話ドットコム」
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